Social Media has become more media than social.s We are returning to what Social Media was promised to be, but never was... truly social.

Absolutely Free Speech

No bots, no commerical media, no ads, and no elitism.  No selling of demographics. Every user you meet on is a person, just like you.

No official marketing accounts, no Social Media Presence corporate accounts.  Just people, like you. Sharing what you know, how you feel, what you think, and who you are.

Welcome to the last best hope for truly free speech on an increasinlgy hostile internet.  The technology masters of the universe cannot invade this space.

NO Censorship Here

There are no committees of safety here.  Each user is individually responsible for the content on their landing page.

Every channel is available according to the configuration ofthe freator.  No gatekeepers, no censors, no 'Community Standards'.  Every User is in charge of filtering what you see and hear.  You will only ever see what you subscribe to, what you choose to see.

YOU Control What You See

There is no algorithm.  You search for what you want to find, and you see only what you ask for.

You Are The Customer, Not The Product

There are no advertisers here.  Users support the platform entirely through subscription.